Saturday, 29 May 2010


28 May 2010

Seven days ago we reported that LoreKai Pte wanted to sell 300m ordinary shares in Me2everyone PLC and the great news after just one week is that the company received pledges for 54.95m of them! We have some wonderful updates about M2E to come – and next week there’s another big upgrade coming to the website, ahead of the new design for the 3D database engine: the new heart of M2E.

LoreKai Pte owns three billion shares in M2E and they are selling 300m shares at GBP £40.00 per 100,000 shares (a discount of GBP £60.00 on par value). This represents a real bargain!

80% of the money generated from this offer will be directed into improving M2E features including additional M2E 3D components, the Quest game and another games platform, the first ever M2E store and aspects of the business gateway for business members.

If you want to take a closer look at this offer please click here or . If you have any questions, wish to make a pledge or want to pay by credit or debit card as a secure online payment, then please contact LoreKai by clicking here.

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